Hello, It’s Me

Hello, It's Me is an online community created especially for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to make friends, build relationships, and find an end to the loneliness that so many people with disabilities face.

Hello, It's Me is an app that was co-created by Richcroft, Psychologist Dr. Karen Harvey, and Focus EduSolutions. The app can be downloaded on Google Play, the Apple App Store or the web at hello-itsme.com. Once inside, users will be prompted to build their profile and then start meeting people and making new friends!

The app features several modules including a section on friendship and dating, similar to other popular dating apps but with special safeguards in place - just one of the things that sets Hello-It's Me apart. Users can connect with others with similar likes and interests through various chat rooms. There are live events and game rooms where individuals can log in and socialize face-to-face, in a safe, virtual environment. The app also features a specially designed social-emotional learning tool with interactive stories centered around real-life dating scenarios, where users get to determine the character's action at various points, ultimately determining the outcome of the story. In addition, there are specially trained Relationship Coaches available if users have questions or would like a little additional support.

For more information on Hello, It's Me please visit hello-itsme.com or contact our friends at https://hello-itsme.com/contact-us.

