The Richcroft Experience



"Deciding on a group home for your adult child is such an emotional experience, it's hard to describe. Its a combination of heartwrenching, hopeful, painful, anxious, and above all terrifying. The decision itself is awful—you feel like you are failing your child somehow, but then you also know that you won't be around forever—so how do you set them up for a happy, safe and loving life without you there? We had friends who were in a car accident, and could no longer care for their adult child with disabilities. Suddenly thrust into a new home without any forewarning, their child’s whole life was upended. It made us think, for the millionth time, what if something happened to us – it kept us awake at night. When the opportunity came up at Richcroft, we were hesitant. We braced ourselves for the feelings of sadness and hesitation that were sure to come. But we visited the house where our son would be living, and we actually liked it! And discovered that we weren't overwhelmingly depressed! All its residents were wonderful and the house itself was great. Malisa was so reassuring. She told us, ‘if you want to see him every day, that’s okay. If he wants to come home, that’s okay. However it plays out – it's okay.’ Everyone was so flexible and nice and welcoming. Miriam, the house manager, was amazing—and when Robb moved in, she made the move seamless. We started off visiting him every day, even in the early and late hours. Going for walks and dinner. And we called daily as well, to hear details about his nights and days. We'd known his every move over here at our house and were anxious to know his every move over there. Very quickly, when we took him back to the house, he'd push us out the door, as if to make it clear that this was HIS house. Staff asked if this made us sad, but how could we not be happy that he was happy? He's non verbal, but able to make his likes and dislikes very clear—so, clearly, he was telling us he liked it there! Since then, we’ve spent so much wonderful time with his housemates-- at Oriole’s games and cookouts at their house and ours. The staff in the house still make us feel so good about where Robb lives now – it’s such a good fit."

                -      Siri Lise Doub, Parent of Supported Individual


"When we began a search for a home for our daughter, I had conversations with staff members at Richcroft. The happiness, professionalism, attention to detail and the systems to keep our daughter safe impressed my wife and I very much.

Our daughter has been living under the Richcroft umbrella for more than a year and the experience has been amazing. The staff, each one of them, treats our daughter so well. They communicate with my wife and I on a regular basis and help our daughter maintain healthy habits that promote good personal hygiene. Just as important to me, the staff reinforces the wishes of my wife and I with our daughter.

Richcroft runs a really dynamic ship. Seeing it from the inside reinforces what I’m trying to do to help raise awareness about the organization."

     -        John Carver, Board Member, Parent of Supported Individual


“Even before my daughter Gracia moved into Richcroft housing, Ms. Monique went out of her way to get to know her.    She met with me for several hours on her own time and since then she has been on the same page as our family with regards to Gracie’s medical, nutritional and exercise needs, behavior issues and strategies, etc. Monique is a mother figure to Gracie. She is caring, loving and firm; making sure that Gracie lives up to her potential of maturity and independence. My daughter put it this way, “My mum and Ms. Monique are like one head with two bodies,” meaning that without consulting each other,  Ms. Monique and I have the same approach as to what is good for Gracie and what we expect of her. Gracie can’t get away with anything!

When Gracie was home during a winter break she was participating in a virtual book club at JCS. Gracia missed Ms. Monique, so Monique bought the book that the club was reading and on Saturdays on her own time, she would take turns with Gracie reading the book. She did this because she knew it was important to Gracie.

All the staff at the Richcroft are not people just doing a job. They truly care for my daughter.”

                    -       Christine Zuzarte, Parent of Supported Individual


"When I came to Richcroft, I had four other agencies make offers. Richcroft wasn’t the one offering the most money at the time. It was the welcoming nature and the fact that I met directly with the Residential Director and the individuals I was going to be supporting that made me feel attracted to the organization. I immediately felt connected. I have been offered many trainings and certifications and opportunities to advance. When I was first offered the position of RS, I turned it down. I have a son with special needs and I didn’t want to overcommit myself, or have to overly excuse myself from work because of family responsibilities. But Richcroft has been very flexible. When I was again promoted to Program Manager, the father of one of our individuals said, 'Please make sure the new RS is just like Victor!' That made my day."

               -       Victor Godfrey, Program Manager


"I would just like to take a moment to tell you about what an asset your employee Penny Vincent is to your team at Richcroft. We see many patients come to their appointments with an aide... Penny goes above and beyond for those in her care.  She always arrives on time, is attentive to her client, engaging with the patient, is aware of their needs and is always well informed and communicates any information to our staff.  We have always observed her demonstrating care and compassion for the patients under her care. Some may say that these are all in her job description, however, we see that she goes above and beyond for her patients. It is not often that you find an employee who does their job in such a manner that reflects so positively on her employer. You truly have a treasure in Penny Vincent."

              -       Community Health Provider


           "My job is important because I get to make a difference in someone's life everyday."

               -       Rick Broyles, DSP


 "Thank you for constantly ensuring that DSPs are treated fairly. I am personally happy to be a part of this wonderful company. You guys make working here worth it, so thank you."

              -       Tolulope Bello


"I'm very thankful for being able to be a part of this new family. I am so impressed with all the appreciation and  support that I receive from my Residential Supervisor and Program Manager. Thanks to all my supporting staff members as well. Everyone be blessed in this New Year, and may we all continue to grow in and on with our positions.

              -       Michaela Wilson


"Thank you so much for always being so generous, genuine and caring about the work that your staff do. I feel appreciated and seen. Thank you again!!

              -       Angelle Simmons