Personal Supports Highlight Rick Broyles

Personal Supports Highlight Rick Broyles

Here at Richcroft, we have an amazing personal supports team. This month we would like to highlight Rick Broyles for going above and beyond for those he supports. One client said, “Rick’s teaching did not stop with Ian. His wealth of knowledge of programs, procedures, and out-of-the-box ideas carried over to my husband and me. He has become part of our family.”


Learn more from our interview with Rick.

What is your job at Richcroft?

Direct Support Professional – Personal Supports


How long have you worked at Richcroft?

8 years and 4+ months


What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of my job is getting to help my clients live their best life and be able to do anything they want to.


Why do you think your job is important?

My job is important because I get to assist my clients in doing anything and everything they want to do.  I get to be their advocate when they cannot do it themselves.  My job is important because I am getting to show others that they are important and matter.  My job also allows me to assist my clients in expanding their horizons and achieve success in ways they never knew was possible.  My job is important because I get to make a difference in someone’s life every day.


Tell us one good thing that’s happened at work this month?

I will give you two.  I got to see my client be excited to return to in-person programming and attend everything he has been waiting over a year for (when I first started with the client, he did not want to go anywhere or do anything, now he loves getting out).  In a meeting I got to see my client excited about the services he receives and articulate what he wanted (this is a big change from when I first met him).


What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working?

When I am not working I love to go camping and enjoy the great outdoors.  I also love to go swimming.


What’s your favorite food?

My favorite food is anything Reeces!


What’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is Blue.