Annual Fund 2022

Annual Fund 2022

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and this time of year, we like to take a pause and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for.  At Richcroft, we’re thankful for the health and well-being of our staff members and of the individuals we support. We are also especially grateful for our generous donors who continue to show their support even through the most uncertain of times. . If you’re thinking of donating this year, we would like to give you a glimpse at what your  kindness will help support:

Among our top priorities over the past year was finding and integrating new ways to combat isolation and create more opportunities for socialization and friendships. In July, we launched our Community Development Services (CDS) program, and in just a few short months, this program has grown to serve 7 groups of individuals and new groups are forming all the time! Thanks to the generosity of many of you we can provide these much-needed and wanted services and fill the void left by the pandemic.

Charles, a supported individual who previously faced challenges with mental illness, is now one of many who have found immense joy and fulfillment in the CDS program. He has been able to explore volunteer opportunities at the local libraries near his home and attend a community-based program for adults with disabilities. Socializing once again is exactly what Charles needed, and it’s so wonderful to see the progress he’s made in such a short amount of time, along with his newfound confidence. 

As we continue to grow, we’re looking forward to making these services available to all who need them, which is why this year’s Annual Fund Campaign will focus on raising funds for the transportation component of this new program. Wheelchair accessible minivans are an essential part of our ability to continue to expand this service, and ensure that people of all physical ability levels can participate in the same activities as their peers.  Since this program is 100% community-based, vehicles are one of our only overhead costs, but the cost is significant.

Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 to support the purchase of two new wheelchair accessible minivans. Every dollar raised will go to helping individuals like Charles lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilled lives. As we work to expand these services, we hope you will renew your support as we work together to provide the very best programs for those in our community who need them. 

If you’d like to show your support and donate to our Annual Fund this year, please click here or contact our Development Director, Lisa Knauffat Every single donation, large and small, is a tremendous help in reaching our goal! Thank you in advance or your generous support of Richcroft and those we serve.